Faculty Members

Select the name of each Faculty member to get in their personal website.

Fullname Step E-mail Office phone
Stavros Lalas Professor slalas@uth.gr +30 24410 64783
Konstantinos Polymeros Professor polikos@uth.gr +30 24410 64781
Ιoannis Giavasis Associate Professor igiavasis@uth.gr +30 24410 64785
Theodoros Goulas Associate Professor theodorosgoulas@uth.gr +30 24410 64782
Dimitris Makris Associate Professor dimitrismakris@uth.gr +30 24410 64792
Eirini Micha Associate Professor renata.micha@uth.gr
Myrsini Kakagianni Assistant Professor mkakagianni@uth.gr +30 24410 64789
Theofanis Georgopoulos Lecturer f.georgopoulos@uth.gr +30 24410 64786
Ioannis Giovanoudis Lecturer gio@uth.gr +30 24410 64784